
Breaking the Barrier 1

I was going to show this video to my girlfriend as a way of sending her a msg but after 1 minute into it I said nvm…

No, but let’s get serious for a moment here. If you’re in a real relationship, you need to break the fart barrier. Why? ‘Cause do you really want to be one of those people who put time and effort into focusing on trying not to fart? It sucks. You’ll miss out on the joys of life and relationships, my friends. You’ll be so uptight about it, you’ll start avoiding certain foods the night before a date. Or, you just won’t eat a meatlovers pizza, or broccoli, while around your boyfriend or girlfriend. And who doesn’t want to chow down on some delicious, greasy, fatty food (and compliment it with broccoli) while chillin’ with your significant other?!

If you would like to argue why breaking the fart barrier isn’t as important as I’m letting on, please respond in the comments below. I’d like to hear your case. However, if you agree with me, and your significant other hasn’t broken the barrier yet — show them this! Let my explanation above serve as a helping tool in sending them a “message” 😉

So, ATTENTION SIGNIFICANT OTHERS: If your BF or GF referred you to this page, there is a strong likelihood that they are using me and this video as a way of delivering a message to you *wink wink.* Yes, they want you to fart around them freely!! Possibly due to mentions above, or possibly because they are tired of holding it in and they don’t want it to be awkward when they’re the only one’s letting it rip.
Fart. Get it over with already, you babies.